Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Feeling a bit Blue

I went to see my rheumatologist yesterday a.m. for my bi-monthly
triggerpoint injections.
I got one closer to the spine than usual and boy-oh-boy has it been hurting me!!
I did not sleep well inspite of the painkillers and today have just been feeling a bit blue.
So, I look at this picture hanging in my bedroom and try to remind myself that spiritual life is not based on how I "feel" but rather on The Word of God!
Thank God for Jesus.......


Gardenia said...

That is one sweet faced dog - bet he has velvety kissable lips, LOL! I like all the pics you post!

Gardenia said...

.....re feeling blue. It happens a lot here - but I think the loss of a "normal" life because of pain, illness is kind of iced in blue....can't say we're not low on our quota of challenges, eh?